Differentiate your aquaculture: Certifications to stand out in a competitive marketplace

Often when we hear about certification, we think of complication, paperwork, registrations, in short, getting out of our comfort zone. Then we say “what’s the point of certification if I’m fine”.

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    Advanteges of certifications

    But what are the advantages of certification for our primary production? On a commercial level, certification will allow us to access new markets, differentiate our product from others, even if they are of the same species, offer a product of differentiated quality and increase our profit margin, since a certified product generates more confidence in the consumer and he/she will be willing to pay more for it.

    Economic impact

    In most regions there is always the big company, with which it is almost impossible to compete on price, this limits our profits and our possibility of growth. That is why it is important to get out of our comfort zone and look for a niche market that demands these aquaculture products of differentiated quality. From here we must identify under which regulation or certification standard the quality of these products is verified and start gathering more information on the steps to follow to become certified.


    We have already talked about what for many is the main advantage… earning more money, but as we implement our quality system to obtain and maintain certification, we self-evaluate and identify processes or results to improve, it helps us to be more aware that we are not only fattening fish, we are generating a social and environmental impact in our region. We must consider that all certification is based on the good faith of the operator or producer; it is from the information we obtain during the certification process that will allow us to define the type of impact we want to generate in our region, beyond the economic one.

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